Rochester Trail Riders

13: Winter’s Unbroken Trail – Therapy on Horseback

Rochester Trail Riders Episode 13

Embark on a journey through the serenity of a snow-covered landscape with "Winter's Unbroken Trail: Therapy on Horseback," a podcast that whisks you away to the tranquility of the barn and beyond. Join Evelyn and her faithful steed, Pip, as they carve the first set of tracks in a world magically transformed overnight. Experience the quiet companionship of the barn life, the anticipation of a ride through pristine nature, and the exhilarating freedom of a gallop across a snow-clad field. This podcast is a tribute to the unspoken bond between horse and rider, the peace found in a blanket of snow, and the joy of connecting with like-minded souls

Rochester Trail Riders

Winter’s Unbroken Trail – Therapy on Horseback

Host - Lindsay: [00:00:00] Hello there guys, Lindsay here from Rochester Trail Riders. I have a short story that I wrote for you guys because just a couple weeks ago we had this magical transition from mud to six inches of snow and then my Social media feeds just exploded with tons of photos and videos and even my own experiences of getting out there and riding your horse in fresh snow.

And that just kind of inspired me to write a little story. on what that experience means to me, and I really do hope that in some way, shape or form, this resonates with you as well and your experiences with horses and the barn and why we have this addiction as horse people that we do. So with no further ado, [00:01:00] let's get into it because you're listening to Rochester Trail Riders.

Evelyn awoke to an unexpected silence. A profound stillness that seemed to press gently against the windows of her home. The days leading up to this morning had brought an uncharacteristic warmth for the season. With mild temperatures clinging to the landscape, leaving the season without its traditional white Christmas, the air had been filled with a scent of damp earth, instead of the crisp, clean promise of snowfall.

Just yesterday, the world outside was a palette of browns and grays. A sky dull, unyielding overcast that held no hint of the change to come. As she peered through the frost kissed window, her [00:02:00] sleepy eyes widened in disbelief. Overnight, the world had transformed. Six inches of pristine snow blanketed everything in sight, turning the familiar into a scene from a forgotten fairy tale.

The trees once barren forlorn now stood proudly with their branches adorned with thick Fluffy snow that glimmered in the early morning light. The unusual sounds of the neighborhood were muffled, replaced by the tranquil hush that seemed to honor the snow's purity. Evelyn's heart swelled with excitement as she took in the view.

It clung to every surface, transforming the mundane objects into sculptures of white. The air was sharper, filled with the tang of cold and the promise of adventure. It was as if the snow had hushed the world just for [00:03:00] her, a precious gift to those who are awake to receive it. She felt a childlike thrill, a secret delight in the pre dawn quiet.

As she tiptoed across the cold floorboards, her fingers fumbling with the promise of the day ahead. There was a playful conspiracy in the way she dressed. Each layer of clothing pulled on with such meticulous care to avoid the slightest whisper that might disturb the sleeping household. This, this was her ritual.

Her stolen moments of tranquility before the rest of the world awoke. With each button fastened and every zipper drawn with silent precision, Evelyn's excitement grew. She savored the anticipation, the silent preparation that bordered on the sacred communication with the breaking day. It was these precious minutes that she [00:04:00] found a profound freedom, a space where the day's responsibilities ahead yet defined her, a temporal sanctuary before the time reclaimed its steady march.

This. It was her time, a time held in quiet embrace of a world untouched and expectant, a canvas of snow waiting for its first brushstroke of her day's adventures. The drive to the barn was quiet pilgrimage through a transformed world. The trees, heavy with snow, formed a white canopy overhead. The road, a mere suggestion under a blanket of white.

It wound its way through the stillness. As Evelyn pulled into the barn's driveway, the crunch of tires on snow broke the hush, announcing her arrival to the slumbering world. She stepped out, her boots sinking slightly into the fresh snow, and for a moment, she simply stood there, absorbing the tranquility.

The [00:05:00] barn loomed before her, a familiar structure, now draped with winter's finery, its red walls peeking out from under a heavy white roof, with a sense of purpose, Evelyn made her way to the entrance, her fingers finding the cold metal of the door handle and swinging it open with well practiced motion.

The interior of the barn was dim. The usual morning light filtered through a frosted skylight, casting a soft glow. Flicking the lights on, the space became alive with the warm yellow manufactured light, banishing the shadows and waking the slumbering inhabitants. The horses, aroused from their early morning slumber, greeted her with soft knickers, their warm breath puffing out in small clouds that hung briefly in the still chilled air.

Navigating quietly the barn isle, Evelyn was accompanied by the soft gazes of horses. Their gentle eyes followed her, some with a soft knicker. [00:06:00] She made her way to her steadfast companion that offered an unspoken promise of freedom. Pip, her beloved horse, greeted her with a familiar soft knicker, His eyes dark and bright with recognition.

Avalyn approached and he stretched his neck over the stall door, Seeking comfort of her touch, but more properly, in hope of a carrot. She ran her fingers through his mane, Feeling the warmth of his body against the chill of the barn. They shared a moment of silent communication. A bond forged through countless hours of unspoken understanding.

The barn was their sanctuary, a place where the world outside ceased to exist. One only here and now mattered. Today, it was just her and Pip, and the quiet companionship of the other horses. No other riders had braved the early morning snow yet. Leaving her with a [00:07:00] rare gift of solitude. As she prepared Pip's tack, the barn cat, aptly named Mousinator, emerged from his usual hiding spot.

He was a fixture here, a stout feline, with a preference for lounging in the most inconvenient places. He sauntered over, his orange coat a splash of color on the monochrome world, demanding his due attention with a loud purr that echoed through the stillness. Evelyn smiled, scratching behind his ears. She let his tail float through her fingertips, part of the morning ritual as much as prepping Pip for her ride.

The barn was alive with the sounds of its inhabitants, a comforting symphony of snorts, purrs, and the occasional creak of wood. It was a world unto itself. A place where the passion for horses and the peace of their presence was understood and shared. Today, the barn was a [00:08:00] gateway to an untouched world. A starting point for an adventure through the snow clad landscape.

Evelyn felt the urge of anticipation. A joy in the simple act of being here, in this moment, with Pip and the quiet company of the barn. Now, with a quiet thrill pulsing through her, Evelyn prepared to saddle up, and they were ready to step out into the snow, to leave their first tracks in the world, reborn, overnight.

With practiced ease, Evelyn mounted Pip, feeling the familiar surge of anticipation as they prepared to venture out into a snow covered world. She adjusted her gloves, took a deep breath of crisp air, and gently nudged Pip into expanse of white that awaited them.

They left the warm glow of the barn behind, entering a [00:09:00] world transformed by winter's touch. The laneways of paddocks were lined with fences, now dressed in snowcaps and forming a guided path to the trails at the back of the property. As they walked, the snow beneath Pip's hooves made soft rustling sounds.

Rhythmic crunches, a sound that spoke of stillness in the morning and the solitude of their journey. The paddocks were empty until the barn manager made their way through the rhythm of chores. The world was alive with the subtle sounds of winter. A cardinal called out. It's bright red plumage, a stark contrast to the white, a song, a solitary memory in the quiet morning.

As they made their way through the trails, the branches above them occasionally released their burdens of snow, sending small plops to the ground, a gentle reminder that the world was awakening around them. Evelyn felt a profound sense of [00:10:00] peace as she moved through this landscape. The worries and the noise of everyday life faded away, leaving only the moment, the rhythm of the movement of Pip beneath her and the beauty of the world around them.

It was in these moments that surrounded by the serenity of nature and the companionship of her horse that she found her center, her sense of balance. And the clarity that was hard to come by in the rush of daily life. The trail wound through the woods, a narrow path flanked by trees, their branches creating a lacy canopy overhead.

They meandered through the woods until it gave way to a hayfield. A vast expanse of white that stretched out before them, untouched and inviting. Evelyn felt the thrill of excitement, a pull in her chest that begged for release. She looked down at Pip, who seemed to share her [00:11:00] anticipation. His ears pricked forward, his body tense with energy.

With a shared understanding, they leaned into the urge. And with a gentle nudge, they burst forward into a gallop. The world rushed by in a blur of white and wind. The snow beneath them kicked up in clouds, sparkling in the new morning light. The wind bit at Evelyn's face, but it was a welcome sting. The reminder of the speed, the freedom, the exhilaration of the moment.

Pip's mane whipped against her hands, a wild dance of hair and snowflakes. They moved as one, horse and rider, a partnership forged in countless hours of training and trust. The field was theirs and theirs alone, a private canvas on which they painted swift, sweeping strokes with each stride. Evelyn's heart soared with a synchronous purr in her horse's breath.[00:12:00] 

A feeling of fulfillment and freedom that could only be understood by those who shared this passion. As they reached the far end of the field, they slowed. Allowing for a moment to sink in. They turned to look back at their trail that they had left. A testament to their journey. A path made by two beings who found joy in each other's presence and the world around them.

A path marked with purpose. This ride. This moment of unbridled freedom and connection was what it was all about. It was a reminder of why Evelyn braved the cold mornings, why she spent countless hours at the barn, and why she endured the misunderstanding of those who didn't share her passion. It was for this feeling, perfect, fleeting sense of peace and fulfillment.

Evelyn carried with her the knowledge that no matter what the world threw her way, she would always have this [00:13:00] sanctuary, this moment of pure joy with Pip in the snow.

As Evelyn and Pip made their way back to the barn, their bodies warmed up by the exertion and the hearts filled with the joy of their ride, the world seemed to brighten around them. The sun had climbed higher, casting a golden glow over their snow, turning it into a sparkling sea of stretched out in every direction.

The trail behind them was a testament to their journey, a series of loping tracks that told a story of freedom and joy. As they approached the barn, a new sound changed the landscape. Voices of fellow riders in the clatter of hooves against the ground. The solitude of the morning was giving way to the camaraderie of shared passion.

Other riders were there readying their mounts, their faces alight with anticipation of their own journey into the snow covered world. There was a buzz of excitement in the air, [00:14:00] a collective energy only those who shared this unique bond could understand. Aveline dismounted, the bite of the ground stung her cold legs as she made landfall.

The warm feelings of the trip brushed the discomfort aside. Pip nuzzled her gently, his breath warm against the cold air. She led him into the barn, the familiar sounds enveloping around them like a warm blanket. She untacked him with practiced hands, each motion a part of a ritual that bonded them. 

As she removed Pip's saddle and fluffed up his winter coat with rhythmic strokes, the other riders laughter and chatter filled the barn. Evelyn listened, a smile playing on her lips

as she felt the joy of being part of this community. They understood the early mornings, the hard work, the inexplicable love for these magnificent creatures. They were kindred spirits, each with their own stories but [00:15:00] bound by a common thread. With Pip comfortably settled in his stall, Evelyn offered him a carrot, a small token of her gratitude for the journey they shared.

He took it eagerly, his eyes soft with affection. She lingered for a moment, her hand resting on his neck, feeling the steady pulse of life beneath her fingers. This was more than a hobby. It was part of her soul. As she stepped out of the barn, the world outside seemed different. The snow was no longer an unmarked canvas, but a landscape of tracks and trails, each one telling a story of somebody finding their joy, their peace, their moment of freedom.

Evelyn felt a surge of energy and readiness to take on the day for whatever it might bring. Her time at the barn with Pip and the snow was like a second life. A place where she could be her true self, unburdened and free. [00:16:00] She glanced back at the barn, the red walls now bright in the sunlight, the snow on the roof sparkling like a crown.

It was a beacon, a place of refuge and joy. And she knew that no matter what the day held, she would carry with her the peace and strength she found here. Evelyn stepped into her day, her heart light, and her spirit unbreakable. This was more than just a ride. It was a reminder of who she was, what truly mattered.

Ooh, okay. I hope you enjoyed that story. It really resonated with me. Just the thrill of being in the barn and being part of a community that understands what it's like to set forth into deep snow on a horse and just have that bond and freedom at the same time. I really thank you for [00:17:00] listening to today's show.

I'd like to leave you with an image of an unblemished snow waiting for your tracks, whether they're literal or figurative. May they be as joyful and full of discovery as they were in Evelyn and Pip's ride. Before we part, I'd like to extend an invitation to subscribe, leave a review. It really does help keep me inspired to, you know, keep writing these tales on the trail.

Well, until next time, remember to respect the trail, keep your head warm with a helmet, and leave no trace at the trailer site. Happy Trails!

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